Comprise - Merriam-Webster Online. Comprise – Wikisanakirja. Comprised of.
Comprise - definition of comprise by The Free Dictionary. Comprise dictionary definition, comprise defined.
To be made up of (something): to include or consist of (something).: to make up or form (something). Quick read: 10 gorgeous winter quotes. Tr. v. com·prised, com·pris·ing, com·pris·es. 1. To be composed of or contain: The staff comprises eight physicians, two dozen nurses, and various administrative. Comprise definition: The definition of comprise means to contain. (verb) The 50 states that make up the U. S. are an example of the states thatcomprise the U. S.
Comprise - definition of comprise in English from the Oxford dictionary
Ranska[muokkaa]. Verbi[muokkaa]. comprise. (taivutusmuoto) yksikon feminiininen partisiipin perfekti verbista comprendre. Noudettu kohteesta. Although “comprise” is used primarily to mean “to include,” it is also often stretched to mean “is made up of”—a meaning that some critics object to. The most.
Comprise - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference
User:Giraffedata/comprised of - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Comprise - Dictionary Definition: Vocabulary. com. Compose is to make up a whole, and comprise is to contain parts. Poodles compose the dog class because the class comprises poodles. The parts compose the.
To comprise - kaannos suomeksi - bab. la Englanti-Suomi sanakirja. Comprise - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference. com.
Comprise - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Many people do not accept "comprised of" as a valid English phrase of any meaning. The argument goes that "to comprise" means to include, as in "The 9th. Comprisekmpr'?z/ ?5 ?[comprise] ?(? ) (1) pydict data [pydict] comprise (vt.)?,?,?,?.
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